Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed (Keynote Speaker)
A versatile and enlightened journalist by profession, Mushahid Hussain
Sayed served as the Minister for Information and Chairman of the
Foreign Relations Committee in the Senate of Pakistan and now serves
as Chairman of the Defence Committee. Earlier, he was Member,
Directing Staff/Course Coordinator, at Pakistan Administrative Staff
College at Lahore, in-charge of training new Foreign Service Officers.
The Senator writes regularly on national and international affairs and his
areas of specialisation include the media, politics of the Muslim world,
Pakistan’s foreign policy and regional security issues. During 1982-87, he
was Editor of ‘The Muslim’ – a major national English daily published
from the Federal Capital. He is also author of three books on Pakistan’s
foreign policy and domestic politics. His articles have been published in
various international publications, including The Washington Post, The
New York Times, Asia Week, Far Eastern Economic Review, Jane’s
Defence Weekly, International Herald Tribune etc.
Senator Sayed has a Master’s degree from the School of Foreign Service
at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C, USA, and taught Politics
and International Relations at Punjab University, Lahore before leaving
academia for the media in 1979. He was elected as member of the
Senate of Pakistan in March 1997.
Senator Sayed has also served as Leader of Pakistan’s Delegation to the
UN Human Rights Commission at Geneva and is currently Practitioner-in-
Residence at Georgetown University serving as Mentor to senior
graduate students on foreign affairs.